MPTech XP3

2½ Stars

Light Type: LED
Light Class: General Use

Short Description:

The MPTech XP3 is a 3 LED light which runs on 3 N cells. This light was sent to us from Hong Kong and can be found at It appears to be a *very* similar design to the Inova X5T but is smaller and is not quite of the same quality. It has all of the same external features as the X5T and the packaging is remarkably similar. If nothing else, this light serves as an excellent example of how quickly and easily equipment developed in one country is duplicated (often with lesser quality) and sold in another.

Size Reference
Size vs. common aluminum 2-AA light
Bezel picture
Beam Picture

Reviewer's Impressions:

The MPTech XP3 is a cute little light but is obviously not manufactured with the same attention to detail and quality as its Inova counterpart.

(Inova X5T vs. MPTech XP3 - Look awfully similar, don't they?)

The body appears to be anodized machined aluminum. The body is fluted for grip. The bezel end houses 3 white 5mm LEDs recessed in what appears to be a chromed metal cap. The knurling around the tailcap is a bit poor with machining marks evident and a rough appearance. The rest of the machining, however, appears to be pretty good. There is a lanyard hole in the tailcap.

The bezel is a smooth chromed cap that houses the 3 5mm LEDs. The LEDs have a strange greenish tint to the clear epoxy resin they are made from when looked at from an angle. They do produce a nice white light.

(Inova X5T bezel vs. MPTech Bezel - note matte stainless steel vs. shiny chromed metal)

The switch is a simple cap that you tighten to turn the light on. It is possible to get some degree of "momentary" operation by tightening the cap to just the right distance and then pressing on the cap with the thumb to close the contact.

Overall quality is OK. The package advertises the light as waterproof and this is blatantly incorrect. The O-ring on the threaded end does not even make contact with the tailcap. It is much too small for the light.

Batteries are 3 alkaline N cells. A bit difficult to find and they really don't last all that long.

The package advertises that a sheath is included, however there was none in the package received. It may have been removed by the sender. Also the light has a "Lifetime" warranty listed on the package, however I was unable to find the manufacturer in a web search. I would classify this as generally a "cheap" imitation of a very good light.

+ + + Pluses: Easy battery change, Lightweight

- - - Minuses: Not water resistant, Machining not that great, Momentary tailcap temperamental

Quick Facts Table:

Review Date ............................. July 2003
Case Material ........................... Machined anodized aluminum
Case Features .......................... Fluted for grip
Case Access Type .................... Unscrew tailcap
Switch Type ............................. Tighten/loosen tailcap for battery change
Reflector Type ......................... Chromed metal
Lens Type ................................


Bulb Type ................................. 3 x 5mm LED
Beam Type ............................... Wide Spot
Beam Characteristics ............... Smooth
Lux Output (click for important details) 50 at one meter
Battery / Power Type................ 3 x N cell alkalines
Battery Life (advertised) ........... 20 hours
Environmental Protection ......... O-ring (ineffective - not water resistant)
Special Items of Note ............... Cheap look-alike to the Inova X5T
Warranty .................................. "Lifetime", however manufacturer not found in web search
Retail Cost ................................ Unknown


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